You see from a youthful age, my father instilled in me a deep and reverent respect of our Armed Forces. Many of the men in my family were military veterans, and most were combat vets. They rarely spoke of their service, if they did it was in mainly in broad sweeping terms with very little detail. At the time I did not know why. As I grew older, I met a kind quiet man. I knew he was a vet, but he never spoke about it. Later, I learned from his wife why he did not speak of it, we will just say it is best forgotten.
As a boy I thought about the sacrifices these brave men performed in the line of duty for our country. It also frightened me what would have happened if they failed. This gave me a deep appreciation of what these men did for us.
Fast forward, to the date that my Dad was buried. My father not only served in the military, but was a combat vet. He fought for our country in World War 2. Because of this, at his funeral there was a military honor guard. When they played Taps, the tears started to flow and would not stop.
To this day, when I hear Taps, my heart goes into my throat and the tears flow once again.
Dad, I so miss you…