In years past she would meow loudly as she carried him to us. We were never sure if it was her bringing us a "gift" or she thought of it as her kitten.
What we do know is when she finally passes away, "Mr. Spider" will be buried with her.
This is a picture of BW, our house cat for the last 15 years. The little toy next to her is "Mr. Spider". She has had this toy since we found her as a 4 week old kitten.
In years past she would meow loudly as she carried him to us. We were never sure if it was her bringing us a "gift" or she thought of it as her kitten. What we do know is when she finally passes away, "Mr. Spider" will be buried with her.
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Christmas Blessings from the snowy mountains of West Virginia.
I wish I could say this is a shot from this morning......... .....But..... It is not, this was from a week ago today. This started out as rain and then the temperature dropped like a stone and the snow flew. The ice made the roads a skating rink. By contrast today it is 62 and there is rain falling. The snow has once again been replaced with mud. Even though we are enjoying the warmer weather, the cold, brisk air turns mud season into dry firm ground for a season. I do not know any songs about sloughing through a muddy wonderland! ......So here to some cold weather..... ![]() This is Clark, our yearling buck. He is a sweetie. He just loves to give kisses. Since he is only six months old, he has not gone into "rut" this year. This time next year he will not be giving goat kisses, even though he will want to..... He will be a full blown stinky buck and kisses will have wait till spring and a good bath! Meet Harley, he is one of our breeding bucks here on the farm. We never knew that he wanted a new job, but now he has one, he is the........... .......UNOFFICIAL FENCE TESTER.......Let me explain, when the girls come into season, Harley gets real excited! He trots back and forth along the fence line and blubbers. He also sticks out his wet pink tongue. When he gets it too close to the "hot" wire on the fence, a spark jumps and he get zapped! 10,000 volts stings a bit...
After a few brief seconds he back at his job, wanting to test the fence again! ![]() It is late I am beat tired and want to go to bed, but there is a small problem. It is a furry one. Trying to get cats to move so I can find a place to sleep. This is the bane of having indoor cats. As the temperatures drop they come. The colder it gets the less willing they are to move. Unless your side has the electric blanket on and theirs does not then they will plan and plot a way to move you as you sleep to the unheated side of the bed! |
December 2023