The only cat we decided to get was Xavier(1), whom we adopted from our vet. The rest mostly decided to adopt us. Michelle was visiting a friend when Henry(2) shown up at her house a while ago. He jumped into the truck and sat in the passenger seat looking as if he owned the place and refused to leave. Someone dumped Socks(3) across the street from our house. He started yelling so loudly we could hear him from 100 yards away. Michelle walked up to him, said "Here kitty, kitty", and he jumped into her arms.
We thought Tux(4) was a dumped kitten when we saw her small figure dash off the our porch. She was so skittish, we’d only get fleeting glimpses of her. Long story short - we finally trapped her 2 days before she gave birth and she was not a kitten, but around 7 years of age. Her kittens; Bilbo(5), Sophie(6), Honey(7) and Scrappie(8) were adorable. I asked to keep them a bit longer as I got to name them. Well, three years later they're still here!
If I even mention an adorable kitten at the shelter, I get a stern “NO!” from Michelle. She calls me a failed foster for not being able to say no to the kittens.
So if you ask if we want another kitten, I may say yes, but Michelle will silence me with a look - that's a solid NO.
For now, I will work on her a bit. Send me some pictures….