According to Dairyfusis, Confucius's dairy goat owning brother; "If you have treats in pocket, watch your backside!" Michelle did not heed this saying. During evening chores the other day I was walking toward the bucks barn, all of a sudden, I hear Michelle yelling at the bucks. I could not make out what she was saying , but I could tell she was hopping mad. I ran over to the barn thinking something was very wrong, and that she was in dire need of help. When I get there, out of breath I horsley asked her what is wrong?
"Junior is the problem" she blurts out. "He bit me on the (proper term replacing word just spoken) gluteus maximus!" I try to refrain from laughing, but could not, which garnered me a "stink eye" look.
What happened was Michelle had forgotten to remove the extra treats from her pocket before coming back to the bucks. Junior, our butterball Nigerian Dwarf does not pass up an opportunity for food. He could smell the peppermint treats wafting from her pocket and after locating the source just took a nip to see what he could get. What he got, was tongue lashing, then he gave the "sad goat face" and was able to woo Michelle into giving him the treat. So in the end he was successful.
The moral of this story is if you travel with treats in your pocket expect to get bit on the........