If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you will know Michelle and I have been married for over 20 years. I do not know any people who go into marriage thinking they are going to get a divorce ( we did not).
So, on that fateful day, you look into the eyes of the love of your life and make a vow to them. First off what is a vow? It is a promise to the other person. In our case, it was a vow we made to each other and to The Lord. A promise that should not be broken. We both took our vows very seriously.
Over the years storms have come and gone. There have been countless times I did not “like” Michelle and for her, it was the same. There have been times when each of us has stormed off mad. But over all the years we ALWAYS followed one rule. Never go to bed mad at the other. At times it is not easy, but we do not violate that rule. At those times I wanted to walk out, but where would I go? She is my Mechelle, she is a part of me, like a hand or foot. It would be easier to cut off a hand then walk out on her. You may think this is melodramatic but for us, it is the truth.
So the question I have to ask, did you really mean the words you spoke that day??