So you got to ask, “What do you do with all that milk?” A very good question, first we drink a lot of milk now it is very good for you. Second, Michelle makes yogurt, sour cream, and tonight she is going to try making cream cheese. Once we get a cream separator, she will make butter and hard cheeses.
OK, so what does goat’s milk taste like? A question for you what does real milk taste like? Goats milk will pick up any strong flavor it comes in contact with so it must be handled very carefully. First we only milk healthy does, second before we milk we wash their udder with a bleach solution and strip both teats of the milk in them. This means the teats are clean and have been flushed so no harmful bacteria is left in the teat from the barn. Third, the milk is taken in a closed system. A teat cup is attached to the teat and a vacuum pump pulls the milk into a sealed collection jar. After the goat is milked the jar is caped and the goats teats are striped of milk and the teats are dunked in a bleach solution and let dry before leaving the milk stand. This gives time for the teats to seal off before letting her go into the barn.
The milk is then whisked off to the kitchen and quickly chilled. After it is chilled it is filtered to catch any stray hair that may have gotten in during milking. All milking utensils are either glass or stainless steel and are washed in a bleach solution and let to air dry before their next use.
So to answer your question, what does it taste like? It taste like rich cows milk, you need to shake the bottle to mix the cream that has risen to the top.