Here is what went down to cause us to not sleep in yesterday, Michelle went and got some hay late on Friday. So since it was late, and according to the weather forecast we thought it was not going to rain. We would just get the hay in the morning. We have a rain alert set on our weather app on the phones. It will alert you when rain moves within 10 miles of our location. At 5:30 am we are fast asleep and the alert goes off. I rouse up a bit and take a look, and then exclaim "Oh Crap there's rain coming!" We jump up get dressed and run outside. Back out the cars and pull the truck into the car port and tarp the hay. After running around, we go back in and try to go back to sleep. Sleep evades us, so we finally get up and get to our day.
Moral of the story.....never believe the weather forecast!