Let me explain, K2INA was my dad's radio call sign on the "ham radio". As we grew us my dad would go on the air late at night. This was the time when distant stations would come in best. Due to the fact that his antennas were so close to the house, any and I mean any speaker with a wire attached to it would rebroadcast his transmission. It was not very loud but it was there like a still small voice in the darkness. So like it or not you got to hear his side of the conversation as he talked to contacts all over the world. This call sign got ingrained on you and we all will take it to our graves as a loving reminder of our wonderful dad!
"Kilowatt 2 I India N November A Alpha" K2INA would come across the speakers as you drifted in and out of sleep. He would sound out his call sign due to static and distance to his contact.
3 years and 5 days ago my dad went home to be with his Risen Savor.
Last night, I was texting my wife and off hand I texted her " 73s signing off now" . This was the customary sign off my dad used. The instant I sent that it all came back to me in bold, living, breathing color. I remembered how much I miss him and how I long for the day when I will see him again!