So, you may ask, what does this have to do with the farm? It relates to the farm because of the passage of time. All the animals on the farm have shorter lifespans than their human caretakers. But they in a way are a microcosm of human life. Every animal has a unique personality that carries it through life. Some take more risks than others and pay the ultimate price, where most just do what they can to survive. A few achieve greatness and a few are at the bottom of the pecking order. Humans in many ways are the same. Most of us just do what we can to make it by, a few become great and a few are at the bottom of the pecking order.
But, what makes us different than the animals is that we have hope. The animals here on the farm are born, they live and they die. They serve a purpose, to be food or sold to help continue the farm. There is nothing else. We have a life beyond this terrestrial plane. We are not born to die, we are born to live, forever. We humans are the image bearer of God here on the earth, whether we believe in Him or not. That is how God created us, to be His image in human form.
Now that I am on the cusp of turning 50 I realize just how important it is to have given my life to Christ so many years ago. I have not I been the best of image bearers for my Lord, but every day I learn a little more about Him and trust Him more. So here is to the next 50 years. Thanks for listening to a half a century old person ramble…..